
Vaulty transforms request or response body based on provided list of transformations. Transformations are specified in the route description in the request_transformations and response_transformations attributes:

"response_transformations": [

Transformation specifies element for transformation and action that will be performed on this element. Here is an example of transformation:


Type of transformation should be set in type attribute in lowercase. Following transformation types are supported:

  • json - uses selector (a-la JSON path) to find element for transformation
  • regexp - uses regular expressions to find what should be transformed
  • form - uses field names of HTML form or multipart request for transformation

Each transformation has its own set of parameters.


JSON transformations are performed on requests and responses with application/json content type. Each JSON transformation will try to act on the element of JSON document specified by path.

If the body is not a valid JSON, then the action is not performed and request or response stays as is. Also, if the result of expression is an array, then each string value of array will be transformed.

JSON transformation params:

  • expression - specifies the path of JSON element for transformation. Multiple paths should be separated by comma (e.g., "card.number, card.cvc") .

Here is an example:


A path is in dot syntax, such as "" or "card.number". Vaulty uses gjson and sjson Go packages to modify JSON document. Path syntax for Vaulty is a mix of GJSON Syntax and SJSON Syntax with the following restrictions:

  • only string values are transformed, if the result of expression is not a string, then transformation will not be performed
  • only one level is supported in array expression
  • no wildcard characters are allowed in expression (*, ?)

Example of paths:

emails.1 # use index to access element of array # emails of all users


Regexp transformations are performed on requests and responses regardless of the content type. Regexp transformation will find submatch specified by "group_number" of the regular expression and acts on it. All matches will be transformed.

Regexp transformation params:

  • expression - valid regular expression (check syntax). Backslash should be escaped: \\
  • group_number - capturing group number (submatch) that will be transformed.

Here is an example:

"expression":"number: \\d(\\d+)\\d{4}",

Body with content

number: 4242424242424242 and number: 1234567890

will be transformed into

4xxxxxxxxxxx4242 and number: 1xxxxx7890


Form transformation may transform HTML form data or other data sent with the following content types:

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data

Typically it's a POST request via HTML form or sending body of email via API.

Form transformation params:

  • fields - single field name or list of field names for transformation separated by comma (e.g., "field1, field2, field3")

If specified field is an array, then each value of array will be transformed.

Here is an example of form transformation that will encrypt phone, ssn and address fields of submitted form:

"fields":"phone, ssn, address",