
Vaulty may perform the following actions on elements:

Encrypt / Decrypt

Currently, Vaulty supports built-in encryption with AES GCM and 256-bit key. To use encryption you have to configure Encryption Backend first. Here we provide an example of using build-in AES GCM encryption with user provided encryption key.

Generate encryption key:

openssl rand -hex 16



Provide the Encryption Key to the Vaulty proxy via environment variable:

VAULTY_ENCRYPTION_KEY=9907848674fbc8713dc5981a0e2d3963 \
./vaulty proxy

The encrypted value is hex-encoded string. The original and encoded values differ in length.

If Encryption Key is not provided, then Base64 encoding will be used. This is not secure and is acceptable only for demo/development purposes.

This is how you can encrypt user.password element:


For this request:

curl \
-d '{ "user": { "password": "12345678", "email": "[email protected]" } }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

You can see the result of transformation (and encryption):


decrypt action will decrypt the element specified by expression.


Using mask action you can replace value with placeholder (* by default). In "symbol" attribute you can set custom placeholder value:


Here are some examples of how you can mask values.

Mask the whole value of json path element:


Result of transformation:


Mask data with regexp transformation:

"expression":"number: \\d{1}(\\d+)\\d{4}",

For this request:

curl -d "number: 4242424242424242"

The result of the transformation is:

number: 4xxxxxxxxxxx4242

Tokenize / Detokenize

In Vaulty tokenization action does two things. First, it encrypts the value of transformation. Second, it stores the encrypted value in a secure storage and tags it with a generated token (think ID in a database).

The generated token is a random set of characters prefixed with tok, e.g.: tokbr2euteg10l4dq9k8u4g10l4.

Action params

  • format - optional, currently only "email" format is supported. Setting format to "email" will generate tokens with valid email format like this: [email protected].

Here is the transformation with tokenize action:


For this request:

curl \
-d '{ "user": { "password": "12345678", "email": "[email protected]" } }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The result of transformation:


Action detokenize performs the opposite. First, it looks encrypted value in storage by the provided token. Second, it decrypts the value.


Using hash action you can replace value desired value with its SHA256 checksum:


Additionally, you can configure a Salt Value for the hash function.